I also cut apart my wedding gown this week! No...I wasn't mad at Shawn! My aunt has agreed to make a baby blanket for Baby Q, and she's going to use pieces of my wedding gown and Abi's junior bridesmaid gown to make some of the patches. It was bittersweet to take a pair of scissors to the dress; I know it is going to be perfect, but that was my one and only wedding gown! I took some pictures, but I'm going to wait to post those for a before and after post. Otherwise, it just looks like I'm destroying a piece of my wedding day!
Shawn has also been taking weekly pictures of my ever-growing bump! Here I am at 26 weeks. (Notice how Riley loves to get in these shots as well?)
We're planning to head up to Connecticut in a few weeks, so I'll make sure to post about our visit, including people's reaction to our new bump! We're very excited to make the trip; it seems like the next few weeks are going to crawl by!
What a cute picture of the baby bump...but it is going to be a mound pretty soon! Hugs to you all!