Needless to say, I loved The Question Game. So I was very excited to find a survey of pregnancy questions! I thought I'd share with you:
How far along?: Today, I'm 30 weeks and 5 days.
How big is baby?: Baby Q is the size of a large squash, or the front wheel on an original Big Wheel.
Maternity clothes?: Can't live without them! (And, I'm wondering if I'll ever want to go back to normal clothes!) I'm finding them extremely comfortable.
Movement: Baby Q is definately a mover and shaker! His movements are getting stronger, and I love to watch my belly move when he does. I'm excited to start figuring out what's what....when he's moving his arms vs. kicking.
Total weight gain: I'm currently one pound over my pre-pregnancy weight. I've definately gained weight, but I lost a lot in the first trimester, too, so its almost even. Though I've read its normal to gain a pound a week from this point forward, so my "even streak" may be over soon!
Sleep?: I could use a lot more of it, to be honest. I haven't been sleeping well at night, which makes me SO tired during the day. I know I'll need to get used to functioning with minimal sleep, but I wouldn't mind a little more shut-eye.
Food cravings: I can't get enough fruit lately. However, with my diet, I'm not allowed much fruit throughout the day, so it makes the cravings even stronger! I think I could live off of cantelope at this point.
Belly button in or out?: Its still an innie.
Food cravings: I can't get enough fruit lately. However, with my diet, I'm not allowed much fruit throughout the day, so it makes the cravings even stronger! I think I could live off of cantelope at this point.
Belly button in or out?: Its still an innie.
What I'm looking forward to: Katie, Deeanne, and Abi are hosting a baby shower for Baby Q this month, and I'm looking forward to seeing friends and family again. (Mom and Dad are coming down that weekend, too!)
Best Moment this week: I was very excited when our swing arrived on Friday! It was a shower gift from my mother, but we couldn't fit it in the car to get it back to NC. We had to order it online, and it arrived on Friday! I think Shawn is going to set it up this weekend.
Milestone: Baby Q's brain is starting to show the lines, grooves, and indentations that will allow for future expansion of brain tissue. Best Moment this week: I was very excited when our swing arrived on Friday! It was a shower gift from my mother, but we couldn't fit it in the car to get it back to NC. We had to order it online, and it arrived on Friday! I think Shawn is going to set it up this weekend.
Nursery Progress: I'm so excited that our nursery looks like a baby's room, instead of a room that will "one day be used for baby". We still have some work to do, but I'm happy with the progress. Abi is painting three canvas prints to match the decor this week, so I'll be excited to hang those.
Thanks for playing The Question Game with me!
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30 weeks! |